Real Estate Blog

The Benefits Of Having Realtors Give Opinions

16011604_sHere is an observation about the real estate business: long ago they taught us as Realtors not to give our personal opinions. They taught us to give only the facts and to always let the client make decisions on their own for liability purposes. But the times have changed.

These days, we are all buried in information. We don't lack information as we once did in the real estate industry, these days we have too much information at our fingertips thanks to technology. Now, we need people to help us interpret it all. As I say to my team: "Information alone has no value, you have to add value to the information." Giving our opinions based on our years of experience is helpful and adds value to our clients' real estate transactions.

Clients hire us and pay us so that they can tap in to:

  • Our 22 years of experience
  • My legal background
  • Wayne's homebuilding background
  • Our short sale expertise
  • Our property management expertise
  • Our investment expertise

So when people ask: “what would you do?” I tell them the truth, even if it hurts. Yes, I would accept this tenant. No, I wouldn’t accept that tenant. Yes, I would move forward with the purchase of this house or Yes, I would accept this sale price. I tell them honestly, and sometimes this means telling them to walk away from a deal, and other times telling them to take the money and run.

Other agents will often just agree with you because they don't want to upset you. Well, I think if you are asking questions, then you want our honest opinion even if it conflicts with yours. That is what you are paying us for and this is how we "add value" to all of the information out there.

So for those of you out there, looking to work with a real estate company that has experience, has knowledge and is honest, give us a call. We’re willing to share our honest opinions with you. We feel that we owe that to you, and don’t believe you should have to repeat the same mistakes that we’ve seen before. Give us a call, we will be honest and transparent with you with no pressure. 

O: (410) 902.1100
E: [email protected]

PO Box 154
Owings Mills, MD 21117

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